
5 ways to get your customers to your Website

Want to do your first sale? 

Want to grab your first potential customer? 

Want to generate your first lead? 

Well, to achieve this you need good traffic on your website. 


No traffic = No leads/ No customer/ No sell 

Traffic = Many leads/ Many customers/ Many Sells 

So trafficking plays an important role to achieve your goals and flourish ROI. 

Increasing your website traffic is not an easy task. Because there is not any hard and fast rule to achieve high trafficking in websites. 

But, certain elements play a crucial role in increasing website traffic, which you must know. 

Here are 5 out of all essential to increase website traffic

●     SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 

●     Content Creation 

●     Leverage Social Media 

●     Paid advertising 

●     Analyze your website 

Let’s dive deep into it! 

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) :

If you want to generate organic traffic, then SEO (Search Engine Optimization) must be the heart of your strategies. 

SEO is a deciding factor to increase your website ranking, thus help you to achieve more potential customers (not Visitors). 

To increase website ranking, 3 types of SEO taken into consideration: 

●     On-page SEO

●     Off-site SEO

●     Technical SEO

On-page SEO: 

It allows you to make SEO-optimized pages. so that those pages can rank higher for relevant search. 

You get a chance to optimize any pages for a particular keyword from which it can drive you, potential customers. 

Off-site SEO: 

Off-site, SEO checks your relationship with other relevant websites. 

To build a relationship with other best-sellers of your niches, or authorized websites, you need to collect backlinks from them. 

The higher the backlink you have from authorities, verified, famous websites; the more the ranking of websites increases. 

Technical SEO: 

Technical SEO considers your technical elements. It includes technical features you involve in your website except for contents and backlinks. 

It improves the site’s readability — making it easier for search engines to understand your website and crawl it higher.

2. Content Creation: 

Content needs everywhere — irrespective your business is online or offline. 

 And, if you’re running an online business then the content is your word of mouth. Because, with this only, others will understand your website, your business, your mission, your vision. 

If you do not have properly articulated content — congratulations — you are officially telling your customers to never visit your website again (harsh but proven truth). 

If you want to convey your message or want to show that your website is authentic and useful, you need content. 

But, here’s the catch, no matter how valuable your content is, if your readers don’t find it, it has no value. And, there is only one way to bring your content in front of your reader’s eyes — by making it SEO optimized. 

SEO optimization helps your content to rank higher on relevant searches, thus increased visibility and boost traffic. 

There are two types of content you need to consider for better results…. 

●     Video content 

●     Text content 

3. Leverage Social Media: 

Now it’s time to leverage your social media accounts to gain organic traffic for your website.  

In 2021, social media platforms are the foremost choice of every marketer to increase any brand value. So, you too can use it to gain organic traffic. 

Here are some tips to derive website traffic from social media accounts 

●     Create a keyword-driven social media profile.

●     Give clear and benefit-driven CTAs.

●     Design clear share buttons.

●     Share content on social media which increases curiosity to know more.

●     Make them land on your website to find the best answer to their curiosity.

●     Provide solutions to their most desired problem which directs them to visit your website.

4. Paid advertising: 

Paid advertising — trendy option to boost immediate traffic.  

If done with proper strategy, it’ll be a rewarding method for bringing in traffic to your website and rallying leads 

Here are a few tips to make your paid advertising actionable. 

Decide the format of an ads 

Before starting with paid advertising, do competitor research and trend research to see which formats of ads work better for your target audience. 

Understand your target audience 

Understanding your target audience is important, especially for platforms that offer multiple demographic options as you create ads. Reaching the individuals that are likely to want your services means you have to examine what groups your potential audience fits into. 

Create a landing page 

The landing page is an attractive way to direct your audience towards your website. You can add all the essential elements on the landing page which urge them to visit your website. 

Set a budget 

Paid advertising is something that you will do for a while. Don’t expect to be finished in a week or two. You need to give it time and finesse your plan to get the best results. 

So, set the half-yearly or annual budget.

5. Analyze your website: 

You have tried all essentials to increase website traffic, but still not able to get your dream result, why? 

That’s because your website not serves the best user experience, or not able to serve audiences what you promised them. There can be any reason, and you have to find out that reason. 

Well, apart from any other glitches which your website lacks, here are two important glitches which you must rectify for better results. 

●     Check out the responsiveness of your website 

●     Check out the loading time of your website 

Check out the responsiveness of your website 

Responsive web design has dominated websites for the past few years. Responsive web design is a site that can adapt the screen it is being used on, regardless of what device it is. 

Google also prefers responsive websites to rank higher. 

Check out the loading time of your website 

In this era, people don’t prefer sluggish website or which needs requires 50 seconds to load. If your website takes such a long time then modify it to load in 2 to 5 seconds.

Wrapping Up: 

With this blog, you’ll understand that getting more trafficking in your website doesn’t require millions, but needs some creativity. 

You need to be creative at each stage of your marketing and be open to an experimentation experiment. And, follow all the above tips. Now you’re all set to get more traffic to your website. 

Enjoy trafficking! 

Well, if you need any experienced personality to achieve your dream result, then connect with my team at DesignLab. We’re such professionals, who are fond of marketing. 

Call us now on +91 98229 18656 for an instant boost in your website traffic.

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